Rectal Prolapse can present as external full thickness prolapse of rectum or internal prolapse which is also called intra-rectal intusussception.
Rectal prolapse occurs due to weak pelvic floor muscles, and hence is much commoner in women especially those who have had children.
Symptoms include dragging sensation, bleeding per rectum and often difficulty in sitting or pain when the prolapse is 'out'. Internal prolapse may result in a different type of symptom which is often associated with rectocoele (angle towards front passage) which can contribute to difficulty in evacuation of stools. This is called ODS (Obstructive Defaecation Syndrome).
Treatment is aimed at pelvic floor strengthening by doing pelvic floor exercises and biofeedback. Sometimes surgery is required. Surgery for rectal prolapse can be performed by rectal route called DeLorme's procedure or abdominal route laparoscopically called ventral mesh rectopexy